Friday, January 10, 2014

All the Glory Belongs to God

After quitting my job last year, I've been on the hunt for something more exhilirating and exciting to do, that could bring a source of financial income.

I applied for jobs often as if the very act of searching was my job. I applied to hundreds of places. After a couple of weeks, a lot of places started to call me back. I set up interviews, answered questions about interest and so forth.

One day, I looked up  jobs in my area, not just in nursing but in every area. I came across a job titled "Tmobile Representative." I applied.

The very next day, a recruiter calls me, she asked me a few questions about my application and said that I would need to complete an online pre-interview. I completed it as advised.

Hours later, she said that she would set me up for an interview with a district manager in my area.

The very next day, I completed the interview, and I GOT THE JOB!

As I have said to others, more than I have said to myself, "What God has for you, is for you." There are no missed opportunities in life. Only opportunitites for growth. Be patient, and be thankful. Things will turn around.

It was extremely easy to get this job, why? Because God was on my side. He was lining up the right people, getting them ready and preparing me for it!

I'm so excited and thankful for what this new journey holds. It is just beginnining! And look at what He's doing! My God, My God!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's Senior Year! 17 Tips


Don't fold under peer pressure.

Decide and go after what you truly desire to do and be in life, otherwise you'll end up there anyway.

You're even prettier than you think you are.

IT'S ALMOST OVER, but still enjoy it, because afterwhile you'll miss it SO MUCH. Trust me, I know. 

STAY ACTIVE. Play a sport or an instrument in college or whatnot. Doesn't matter what it is, whatever you want it to be, just keep moving. It's exhilirating and rewarding to be a part of something. 

SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. Even if it's only, like 5 dollars. 

Don't jump out here to quickly, there are bills and stuff due at a certain date.

Don't take advantage of her, because Karma or the Sew-and-reap factor is real. Whichever way you look at it. 

Take care of yourself. The decisions you make everyday determine your overall outcome. Take health and fitness seriously. 

When you start your college classes, study for the class/test way in advance. It makes a HUGE difference. 

Find out what your learning style is, are you an auditory learner, visual? tactile? This certainly is important. 

Let go of regrets, and find the lesson in all your experiences. 


READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, read every single day. Leisurely. This will help you enhance yourself as a person. I personally suggest reading self-help books. Tony Robbins. Eric Thomas, Ryan C. Lowe. Paulo Koehlo. 

STAY TRUE to your morals and values. 


REACH OUT, if & when you need help. It's okay to be vulnerable, the ability to be so, is extremely empowering. Ironic, huh?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Kind of Meditation

I exist in many different forms of meditation. Depending on what state I am in, or where I am, I exist in various forms of meditation. Two of my most popular forms are listed below.

Active Listening

Sometime, I will sit still and listen to every form of sound that my ears can interpret. Doing this, allows me to be grateful for each sound. I can also interpret the meaning and purpose for each sound. After each session of active listening, I gain more gratitude for living. This is because, I've taken time to be thankful for one of my senses, and this makes me have an overall gratitude attitude.

Movie Reflection 

After I have watched a movie, I liked to sit in the theater to the absolute end, and then sit there a little longer, for what I like to call a "movie reflection session." During this session, I sit quietly in an attempt to clear my mind of nothing but a flow of positive thoughts. By sitting until the very end, I feel I have given respect to the individuals who worked hard to make the movie a success. Lastly, I always feel lighter when I come out of the movie theater. I have spent about an hour to two hours with my mind focused on something other than living life and all that that encompasses. It's like a mental vacation.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Actually Like Working

Having some time off has taught me a lot of things about myself and about others.

One of the most important things is ...

I Like Working.

When I was working, I had a routine each day. I would arise, daily hygiene, read, meditatie, eat and go to work. After work, I would read, relax, meditate, eat and prepare for bed. On days I didn't work, I still operated according to this routine. I would just fill my time that I would be working with something I needed or wanted to do.

This was extremely healthy in many ways.

I ate three meals a day, 50% of the week.
I woke up at the same time and went to bed at the same time as well.
I cherished my free time because I felt it was limited.
I made more to-do lists, which resulted in getting more done.
I developed more new friendships.
I got out the house more.

Now that I'm not working, I have to replace my work schedule with discipline. Otherwise, I could be likely to become a bum. lol.  Some personal truths about not having a job:

I wake up late, and stay up late.
I feel like something is missing.
I don't eat three times a day, maybe once or twice with snacks here and there.
My writing isn't as shaped.
I spend more money, even though I'm not making nearly as much.

Nonetheless, being the positive person I am, I have to overshadow these truths with some awesome greatness that I've gained.

Gaining more understanding about myself as a person
Gaining a deeper relationship with God.
Letting go of expectations of outcomes and others.